A call is open to participate in the fourth edition of the Latin Arab Co-Production Forum, organized by the Non-profit Organization for the Promotion of Cultural Diversity Creciente “Cine Fértil”, which will take place within Ventana Sur between November 30th and December 2nd, 2019.
The Forum is an innovative tool for the promotion of audiovisual production, distribution and exhibition. The Forum contributes to the development of cinematographic projects co-produced among professionals of the Latin American and Arab countries, thus fostering equality and equity between both regions.
Aimed at projects in development and post-production stages; any project which brings forward a potential co-production including at least one Latin American country and one Arab country (see list of eligible countries in Rules and Regulations) is welcome to apply, noting that they may also incorporate countries from other regions as co-producers.
The selected projects in development stage shall have the opportunity to take part in Pitching Sessions (LatinArab Pitch Competition) and those in their more advanced stages may show their creations during a Works in Progress session (Works in Progress Competition). Apart from these activities, all participant projects to the Forum can partake in one-on-one meetings, where they will meet professionals interested in participating in their projects.
International juries will select the Best Documentary Pitch, which will receive the Al Jazeera Documentary Channel Award, consisting in the signing of a contract with the network worth USD$15,000. Additionally, a Documentary Pitch may receive the I.E.S en Lenguas Vivas “Juan Ramón Fernández” Award, consisting on the translation of project dossiers. The Best Fiction Pitch shall be awarded the Al Gouna Film Festival Award, worth USD$ 4,000. The Argentine Fiction projects in development shall also compete for the The Language Lab Award, worth AR$50,000 (AR$25,000 cash and $25,000 for the EN<>SP translation of dossiers -10.000 words-) and the Gui.ar Award, consisting on ScriptDoctoring of the entire script.
An Argentinean project will be the recipient of the Haddock Films Award. The Best Work in Progress will receive the Lahaye-Pomeranec Award, consisting of post production services worth USD$15,000 and the Cine Fértil Subtitulado Award, worth the subtitling to English or Spanish of the finished feature.
The projects must be submitted via Google form following the corresponding links, depending on whether you wish to submit your Project in development (LatinArab Pitch Competition) or a Work in Progress.
The Forms will close November 13th at 11:59 pm, Argentina time.
We are eager to receive your projects and wish you good luck!