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脡l ha vuelto a Palestina. En su viaje por el pa铆s revive los traumas de su pasado y la decisi贸n que lo llev贸 a Estados Unidos: el dilema entre obtener un pasaporte para su futuro hijo y un resguardo seguro para su hermano activista.

He has returned to Palestine. On his journey through the country he relives the trauma of his past and the choice that sent him to America 鈥 a choice between a passport for his unborn child and a safe haven for his activist brother.

Omar Robert Hamilton 
Es un cineasta independiente, productor del Festival de Literatura de Palestina y socio fundador del Mosireen Collective de Cairo. Desde 2011, ha realizado docenas de documentales cortos sobre la Revoluci贸n Egipcia, logrando que el canal de YouTube de Mosireen sea el canal sin fines de lucro m谩s visto en toda la historia de Egipto. Su tercer cortometraje, "Though I Know the River is Dry", fue estrenado en competencia en el Festival Internacional de Cine de R贸tterdam, donde gan贸 el Prix UIP y actualmente est谩 nominado a mejor cortometraje en los European Film Awards de 2013. Sus pel铆culas han sido difundidas por la BBC, al Jazeera y ONTV; sus art铆culos son publicados en The Guardian, la BBC y the Big Issue y sus fotograf铆as pueden encontrarse en The Guardian, The Economist, al Shorouq y The Daily Beast.

Is an independent filmmaker, producer of the Palestine Festival of Literature and a founding member of the Mosireen Collective in Cairo Since 2011 he has made dozens of short documentaries on the Egyptian Revolution, helping to make Mosireen the most watched non-profit YouTube channel in Egypt of all time. His third fiction short, "Though I Know the River is Dry", premiered in competition at Rotterdam where it won the Prix UIP and is currently nominated for Best Short Film at the 2013 European Film Awards. His films have appeared on the BBC, al Jazeera and ONTV; his articles in The Guardian, the BBC and the Big Issue and his photographs in The Guardian, The Economist, al Shorouq and The Daily Beast.

Ficha t茅cnica

2013 / Francia y Libano / Idioma: 脕rabe / Duraci贸n: 19:30 min /

Director: Robert Hamilton

Producci贸n: Louis B Lewarne

Elenco: Kais Nashif, Maya Abu, Alhayyat Salwa Nakkara, Hussam Ghosheh

Screenplay: Omar Robert Hamilton

Sonido: Louis B Lewarne

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